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Interactive map shows rules about COVID-19 in 220 countries

The IATA has made an interactive map with the travel regulations for COVID-19 available on its website. The solution can be used by airlines and travel agents to verify the necessary documentation for international passengers to travel to different regions around the world. The personalized and 100% reliable information is provided based on the traveler’s destination, transit points, nationality, travel document, country of residence, etc. Each data from more than 220 countries is inserted with the best knowledge of the entity at the time of publication. To keep pace with the dynamic situation due to COVID-19, the map is updated more than 200 times a day, providing precise travel restrictions specific to the current pandemic, based on citizenship and country of residence.

Learn more at: https://www.panrotas.com.br/aviacao/empresas/2020/06/mapa-interativo-mostra-regras-sobre-a-covid-19-em-220-paises_174260.html​