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Consumidor.gov.br’s 2nd quarter bulletin presents the performance of airlines in dealing with passenger complaints

Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC, in Portuguese) made available the Monitoring Bulletin of Consumidor.gov.br – Air Transport, with data on passenger complaints in the 2nd quarter of 2022. The document presents data on the number of complaints about the performance of airlines in the problem solving and the main reasons for passenger complaints about air services. As of this edition, the Bulletin will be published in a new format, with a completely improved look and feel to enhance the ease of understanding the data. In the 2nd quarter of 2022, 23,307 complaints were registered in relation to airlines on Consumidor.gov.br, which transported 22,177,208 (99.97%) of the paid passengers in the period. This represents the registration of 105.1 complaints per 100 thousand passengers – a decrease of 37.4% in relation to the same period of the previous year, despite the fact that the absolute number of complaints (without weighting by the number of passengers) has increased by 25.2%. It is important to mention that, in 2019, ANAC established that all Brazilian and foreign companies providing regular public passenger air transport are required to be active on Consumidor.gov.br and to respond to complaints from service users within the established deadline. The Agency actively encourages the use of the platform by consumers, which is naturally reflected in the number of complaints registered. Among the largest Brazilian companies, Azul Linhas Aereas was the company that presented the lowest rate of complaints in the 2nd quarter of this year (45.8 complaints per 100 thousand passengers) and the best performance in problem solving: the highest complaints (91.7%), the highest rate of consumer satisfaction in relation to the service received (4.2 on a scale from 1 to 5). Gol was the company that presented the lowest average response time (2.2 days). Among the largest foreign companies, United was the company with the lowest rate of complaints per 100 thousand passengers (68.7). The highest rate of problem solving was with Copa Airlines (71.9%). American Airlines had the highest satisfaction rate (2.8) and the lowest average response time (4.2 days). The topic most complained about by consumers in the period was reimbursement, with 30.34% of complaints. Change of contract by the passenger (22.36%) and offer and purchase (17.10) close the ranking of subjects with the highest number of records on the platform from April to June this year. Assistance to passengers in need of special assistance (PNAE, in Portuguese) was the topic with the lowest number of complaints – 0.38%. The publication of periodic monitoring bulletins of Consumidor.gov.br by ANAC aims to provide transparency to society on the performance of airlines on the platform, promote competition, and improve the quality of services provided to passengers , in addition to providing information that is useful for the decision to purchase airline tickets. – https://www.gov.br/anac/pt-br/noticias/2022/numero-de-reclamacoes-cai-37-no-2o-trimestre-deste-ano-segundo-dados-do-consumidor.gov