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During an event, ABEAR, IATA, and ALTA reinforce the importance of institutional relations for the evolution of the sector

The Brazilian Airline Association (ABEAR), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA) promoted on 11/26 the online event “Institutional Relations for the Air Sector ”, in order to highlight the importance of this activity for the air segment. In addition, the participants also took a behind-the-scenes look at the approach to legislative and executive powers, especially in Brasilia, DF. About 40 participants attended the event, including representatives of the entities involved and also of the associated airlines. The meeting started with a presentation by the CEO of Umbelino Lôbo, Antônio Lôbo, ABEAR’s government relations consultancy, who introduced the topic by explaining to participants how institutional relations work and the importance of developing this activity in the airline industry. “This builds a safe and consistent regulatory environment. It allows the formation of a virtuous circle of exchange of information and experiences based on the major interests of society”, said the guest. Following, Jurema Monteiro and Renato Rabelo, institutional relations advisers at ABEAR, commented on legislative issues, such as Provisional Measure 925, voted this year during the pandemic of the new coronavirus, and which brought a series of changes to rules in the airline industry. Soon after, the president of ABEAR, Eduardo Sanovicz, highlighted that the joint action of entities in institutional relations is extremely important for aviation. “The union of ABEAR, IATA, ALTA, and JURCAIB (Board of Representatives of International Airline Companies in Brazil) has been very important. The strengthening of this union has generated very positive results for the aviation chain”, he said. José Ricardo Botelho, CEO and executive director of ALTA, spoke about the institution’s performance and the impacts of the airline industry in Latin America and the Caribbean during the pandemic. “In the month of June, which was one of the most critical periods, our region handled around 1 million passengers. This is a 1960s level. It’s surreal. Even so, at all times, we strive, from events, to show that the security protocols work and that the passenger can feel safe in using air transport ”, said the executive. Finally, the director of external relations for IATA in Brazil, Marcelo Pedroso, also highlighted the union of the entities, especially at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. “Several actions, such as postponing airport taxes, border closure issues, pilot license renewals, were only made possible thanks to the joint efforts of the entities”, he concluded. ABEAR should promote other events in partnership with the entities throughout 2021. – https://www.abear.com.br/imprensa/agencia-abear/noticias/em-evento-abear-iata-e-alta-reforcam-importancia-das-relacoes-institucionais-para-evolucao-do-setor/