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Business aviation traffic increases by 20% in Brazil in 2021

Search for plane-sharing companies soared in the period. In 2021, executive aviation experienced new exponential growth, driven by economic factors, the reduction of flights in the commercial network, and cancelations caused by the covid-19 pandemic. According to the Brazilian Association of General Aviation (ABAG, in Portuguese), the movement of executive aviation in Brazil in 2021 was 20% higher than in 2020. One of the companies that observed a good result in the year was Prime You, which operates in the sharing business of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. The company recorded a 96% increase in the number of flights in the last year. In 2020, this percentage had been 20%. To accompany this growth, four nine aircraft from Embraer, Bombardier, and Airbus were added to its fleet in the last two years. The increase in demand for executive flights was not an exclusively Brazilian phenomenon. WingX, a consulting firm specializing in trends in the aeronautical sector, points to an increase, in South America alone, of 52% in takeoffs of executive planes in the last four weeks of 2021, compared to the same period in 2019, before the pandemic. – https://aeromagazine.uol.com.br/artigo/movimentacao-na-aviacao-executiva-aumenta-20-no-brasil-em-2021.html