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ANAC launches page dedicated to its Digital Transformation Program

The Digital Transformation Program (PTD, in Portuguese), created to assist air operators and maintenance organizations in the digital transformation process, gained a page on Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC, in Portuguese) portal. The space dedicated to the program was presented to the public during the Annual Latin American Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition (Labace), in Sao Paulo. More than simply replacing physical processes with digital tools, the digital transformation of organizations guides decisions and processes based on collected data. The initiative seeks to increase the safety and efficiency of civil aviation. An important tool in digital transformation are operations and maintenance records, which can support the company’s strategic decisions. The PTD page gathers guidance on how to request authorization from the Agency for the use of digital systems for these records. The site also has a list of software already approved by ANAC and that can be used by operators. It is important to remember that the use of digital systems must be previously authorized by the Agency, with the inclusion in Operational Specifications (EO, in Portuguese) or by specific authorization for operators who do not have an EO. The step-by-step process is available on the page. – https://aeroin.net/anac-lanca-pagina-dedica-a-seu-programa-de-transformacao-digital/