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IATA is invited to collaborate in the working group on reducing the price of aviation kerosene in Brazil

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) reported that its minister Alexandre Silveira received representatives from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to discuss solutions to boost the competitiveness of the sector by reducing the price of aviation kerosene (QAV) . During the meeting, Silveira invited the association to collaborate with the Working Group (GT), which will be established by the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE), to reduce the price of fuel. The vice president of IATA for the Americas, Peter Cerda, and the director of external relations in Brazil, Marcelo Pedroso, made a commitment with the minister to collaborate to find solutions to make the sector more accessible and make air transport more competitive. The expectation is that the group will receive contributions that take into account the point of view of the association and other entities regarding the composition of QAV prices on the international scene and the effects of fuel costs on the national market. “We need to democratize air ticket prices, making it possible for all social classes to return to Brazilian airports. Fuel is a determining factor in the composition of prices and affects both passengers and cargo transportation by air”, declared Alexandre Silveira. – https://aeroin.net/iata-e-convidada-a-colaborar-no-grupo-de-trabalho-sobre-reducao-do-preco-do-querosene-de-aviacao-no-brasil/