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Brazil is receiving an audit that assesses the safety of civil aviation against acts of illicit interference

On August 26, Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) began the audit of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) called USAP – CMA (Universal Security Audit Program – Continuous Monitoring Approach), for the period of the second semester 2023 and 2024. Around 70 countries will be audited. The audit in Brazil ends on September 6th. The program aims to promote global civil aviation security with continuous monitoring and evaluation of countries’ performance in adopting preventive and response measures against acts of illicit interference (Avsec). The goal is to establish technical training and certification standards, as well as facilitating air transport. Acts of unlawful interference are actions or attacks that compromise the security of civil aviation and air transport, such as invasions of aircraft, airports or aeronautical facilities; illicit seizure of an aircraft on the ground or in flight; holding hostages on board aircraft; introduction of weapons, explosives or dangerous materials into aircraft or airports, among others. The facilitation of air transport seeks to make air traffic more agile and eliminate unnecessary delays for aircraft, crews, passengers, cargo and mail, especially through the simplification of processes and the international standardization of actions. – https://aeroin.net/brasil-esta-recebendo-auditoria-que-avalia-a-seguranca-da-aviacao-civil-contra-atos-de-interferencia-ilicita/