Aviation-related project transforms the lives of underprivileged children in Pirassununga, SP
The “First Contact with Aviation” project, developed by AFAC Aviação in partnership with Ms Hangar 51 and the Pirassununga Aeroclub in the interior of Sao Paulo, aims to provide underprivileged and vulnerable children with the opportunity to have their first contact with the world of aviation. Since the end of 2022, the initiative has already benefited more than 400 children, awakening their interest in aviation and forming new generations of enthusiasts. In its latest edition on August 29 and 30, the project welcomed 150 children from the 4th and 5th grades of schools in the city of Pirassununga, SP. During the event, the little ones learn about aviation, have the opportunity to get on a plane and receive gifts, which include drawings and colorful magazines, to make the experience even more special. – https://aeroin.net/projeto-ligado-a-aviacao-transforma-vidas-de-criancas-carentes-em-pirassununga-sp/