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RAB Digital offers new services for civil aviation users

Launched in April of this year, the Brazilian Aeronautical Registry (RBA, in Portuguese) in digital format facilitates the operation of more than 20 thousand aircraft registered in the country. Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC, also in Portuguese) has expanded, in digital format, the services available to users and regulators in the sector that use the Registry. Currently, more than 20,000 aircraft operators in the country can use the new tools available on GOV.BR, the federal government’s relationship platform with citizens. Registration of the right to use and issuance of an International Registration (IR) code are some of the new services made available by ANAC in digital format. The implementation of the new items was supported by the Startup GOV.BR program, from the Ministry of Economy, to facilitate the operation of commercial and private aircraft in Brazil. In addition to registering the right to use the aircraft, air operators can access, in a practical and agile way, the services of Communication of Sale, Transfer of Property, Registration of Real Rights, Registration of Engines, and Certificates. Startup GOV.BR is a program that currently brings together 29 multidisciplinary teams that work on priority actions of digital transformation in areas such as: transport, land regularization, education, social security, and the environment. The objective is to apply, within the government, teamwork strategies and the development of innovations along the lines of the private sector, with a focus on results, continuous improvement, and prioritization of the citizen’s vision. – https://www.gov.br/anac/pt-br/noticias/2022/rab-digital-oferece-novos-servicos-para-usuarios-da-aviacao-civil