IATA announces Eligible Emissions Units (EEU) procurement event for airlines
At its World Sustainability Symposium (WSS) held on September 24-25 in Miami, United States, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that airlines will have the opportunity to purchase Eligible Emissions Units (EEU) in a custom Acquisition Event. This event, scheduled for the last quarter of 2024 on the Aviation Carbon Exchange (ACE), is being organized by IATA with the State of Guyana, Mercuria, and Xpansiv, and is open to all airlines. The EEUs offered can be used by airlines to meet their offsetting obligations under Phase 1 of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). These obligations cover traffic for the period 2024-2026. EEUs must be canceled by January 31, 2028. The event provides an important procurement opportunity amid the ongoing shortage of CORSIA-eligible EEUs. Currently, the State of Guyana is the only source of such EEUs. IATA estimates that airlines will need between 64 and 162 million EEUs for CORSIA Phase 1, depending on how traffic evolves. Guyana has already completed sales of the 7 million EEUs issued and the uncommitted volume will be available at the Acquisition Event. Airlines will have the opportunity to purchase CORSIA Phase 1 eligible credits from the Guyana REDD Jurisdictional Program issued under the ART TREES Standard and provided by Mercuria. CORSIA is the only global market-based scheme to address CO2 emissions from international aviation and is implemented in three phases, with an initial voluntary period (2021-2026) followed by a mandatory phase from 2027 for most countries . The scheme also requires airlines to monitor, report, and verify their emissions to ensure transparency. – https://aeroin.net/iata-anuncia-evento-de-aquisicoes-de-unidades-de-emissoes-elegiveis-eeu-para-companhias-aereas/